Industrial Odor Control Systems


Bakon proposes reliable and economical systems of single-stage

or multi-stage wet scrubbers to control industrial odors.


Wet scrubbers have been used as odor control equipments in many industries and are very successful with removal of odorous gases.


In each stage of a multi-stage wet scrubber, gas flow is scrubbed with different chemical solutions, so that a highly efficient removal of many odorous compounds in a gas flow can be achieved.


Odor Definition

Odor is a volatilized chemical compound, generally at a very low concentration, that humans or other animals perceive by the sense of smell..This sense is mediated by specialized sensory cells of the nasal cavity.

The widest range of odors consists of organic compounds such as mercaptans, amins, indoles, scatoles, etc.; although some inorganic substances, such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, are also odorants.  


Odor Unit (OU) is the number of molecules of odorants which just induces an odour sensation when dispersed in 1 m³ of neutral air.  

Odor Concentration Unit (OU/m3) is defined as Odor Unit per cubic meter air volume

Odor Threshold is the concentration of odorous substances at threshold level leads to an odour impression with 50 % of the defined population.



Pleasant odors may be enough to make our lives more colorful, while inconvenient working conditions leading to some health problems occur with unpleasant odors.

Odor Control Systems have been successfully used in industry to ensure better working conditions and to eliminate any odor nuisance to the environment..


Odorous Compounds